5th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM V)
Exactly 2 years after ELFM IV, the 5th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM V) will take place in Leuven (Belgium) on February 6, 2020. The one-day event features a high-quality, “beyond-science-only” programme on Dynamic Landfill Management and Enhanced Landfill Mining; ELFM V provides the floor to invited international experts, as well as the early-stage researchers from the ETN NEW-MINE project who will present their final results (watch the NEW-MINE video here). The Symposium includes an exciting panel discussion, which will stimulate a wider societal debate about how Europe is going to deal with its 500,000+ landfills. The Symposium is a co-organisation of SIM² KU Leuven and ETN NEW-MINE, with the support of diverse organisations (EURELCO, OVAM, Cleantech Flanders) and EU project teams (RAWFILL, COCOON).
ELFM V presentations and papers: download here
About Dynamic Landfill Management
Dynamic Landfill Management (DLM) captures various dimensions. First of all, DLM refers to the dynamic view on landfill management, i.e. the management of any given landfill needs to smartly change and adjust over time. Secondly, DLM needs to offer an integrated framework, satisfying multiple objectives, ranging from pollution prevention, land reclamation and restoration, creation of new landfill void space, interim use of the landfill surface, to the recovery of materials and energy resources. Thirdly, DLM highlights the need for a cross-cutting approach with respect to distinct European policies and legislations. ELFM is one component of a wider DLM framework.

About Enhanced Landfill Mining
Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM) is defined as “the safe exploration, conditioning, excavation and integrated valorisation of (historic, present and/or future) landfilled waste streams as both materials (Waste-to-Material) and energy (Waste-to-Energy), using innovative transformation technologies and respecting the most stringent social and ecological criteria” (Jones et al, 2013). As such, ELFM is part of a wider view of a circular economy and is perfectly complementary to urban mining and recycling in general. ELFM is relevant for both Urban Solid Waste landfills and metal-containing monolandfills composed of extractive waste or industrial process residues.